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Xi'an Hard Technology Deals with Black Smoke from Diesel Vehicles

In order to further alleviate the impact of motor vehicle emissions on air quality, the city of Xi'an tansu government-enterprise cooperation, hospitals and enterprises to collaborate in the ‘diesel vehicle exhaust pollution’ comprehensive treatment demonstration model, through government subsidies, the use of ‘hard science and technology’ advantage, so that diesel vehicles no longer ‘smoke’.

In Xi'an City, diesel vehicle exhaust pollution control station Fengdong station, the reporter saw that many diesel vehicles are lined up for vehicle management and purifier retrofitting, this whole system is developed by the city of Xi'an City independent research and development ‘active maintenance + oil purification’ throw spectrum (PMOP) technology, through physical means, the use of polymer materials, depth filtration technology, to ensure that the vehicle fuel supply system and fuel clean, from the source of the diesel vehicle eradication of exhaust pollution problems, is the first in the country, the use of ‘hard technology’ advantage, so that diesel vehicles no longer ‘smoke’. It is the first and leading front-end solution for diesel vehicle exhaust pollution in China.


After the completion of the treatment, it makes the diesel vehicles with low fuel consumption, strong kinetic energy and good sustained effect. At present, it has 

been promoted and piloted in the city, with five fixed locations in Shuangyi District, Port Area and Xixian New District, equipped with two mobile treatment vehicles, 

and the particulate matter such as PM2.5 emitted from the treated vehicles has been reduced by more than 70 per cent over the past one year, and it can be loaded 

into 20 trucks.

According to the requirements of the Xi'an Municipal Government, as of May this year, Xi'an will complete 25,000 vehicles with excessive emissions and National IV 

emission standard vehicles exhaust treatment, with the demonstration of the application of this technology in Xi'an, and achieved results, the next step will also be a 

pilot in the province.