
About Us

Founded in 1992, Xi 'an Tianhou Company has been focusing on discovering, researching and solving lubrication problems of mechanical equipment and parts for more than 30 years.

Development History

2017: The first diesel vehicle exhaust treatment demonstration zone was set up in Lintong District, and the Key Laboratory of Aerosol Chemistry and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences evaluated the emission reduction effect;

2018: Tianhou PMOP technology passed the appraisal of scientific and technological achievements organised by China Machinery Industry Federation;

2021: PMOP technology will be used to treat nearly 20,000 in-use diesel vehicles;

2023: ‘PMOP technology and its application in the pollution of in-use diesel vehicles’ passed the appraisal of scientific and technological achievements organised by the China Environmental Protection Federation again.

2005: THY-310 series diesel oil purifier was popularised and applied in major well teams of PetroChina and Sinopec;

2006: Boston-type diesel fuel purifier was successfully developed and applied in Zhejiang and Fujian fishing boats;

2009: Vehicle-mounted diesel fuel purifier won the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Innovation Fund of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and was listed as a project of the National Torch Plan;

In 2011: diesel purifier was listed as ‘National Key New Product’ by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and successfully supported by Yuchai Machinery Co;

2013: Polymer one-time forming material, THY-158 series diesel purifier products developed successfully;

2016: ‘Clean Energy’ diesel fuel purifier successfully supporting the 05 type infantry fighting vehicles in the 93 military parade debut.

In 1992: The company was founded and developed the first batch of THY-18D oil quality tester and put it on the market;

In 2001: THY-20C oil quality detector won the second prize of scientific and technological progress of the whole army; and obtained four national patents.

In 2003, THY-ZJ oil quality detector was successfully developed and formally installed in armoured forces;

In 2022, THY-VP100 full-life oil analyser was introduced to the market

  • 2017~2024
  • 2004~2016
  • 1992~2003